Our Testimonials

‘Toby explained everything very clearly and in a relaxed but professional atmosphere that made it easy for us to ask questions’

‘Toby has helped me to fully understand the advantages and disadvantages of my objective to minimise IHT liability. He provided a very professional and personable response to my questions.’

‘Once contact was made, Toby has been amazing. Excellent communication and in the discovery meeting really helped me to work through what I wanted exactly. Despite my lack of knowledge in some areas, he worked with me to come to a solution, rather than dictate what is needed. He also used the information provided to provide overall security for me and my partner, not just what to do with the funds I have. I feel I have been given the time and information needed to make the decisions required and I would recommend Toby very highly.’

‘I thoroughly enjoyed my initial discovery time with Toby, who went to great lengths to listen, understand and talk through my short, mid and long-term financial needs. Articulate and professional at all times, with a sense of clarity and the ability to ensure I understood at all times.’

‘Following thorough requirement and fact finding meetings, Toby put together a clear and concise tax efficient plan for future pension/investment drawdowns whilst being mindful of income tax and future inheritance tax. I have found Toby to be a pleasure to deal with, He is very courteous, great listener and very professional.’

Get Started With Your
Financial Partners

Getting started on your financial planning journey doesn’t have to be a difficult and overwhelming process. At Greenfields Financial Management, we aim to make it as simple as possible while allowing you to receive the personalised and dedicated service that you deserve.

Whether that’s planning for retirement – tomorrow or today – our experienced and knowledgeable team truly listens and cares about you and your financial future. When nothing short of tailored expert service will do, book your call with Greenfields Financial Management today.

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