Savings & Investments

Helping you to create, manage, and preserve your wealth.

Do You Know Your
Financial Objectives?

Even from a young age, we’re aware of what savings are. Even if all we knew is that it was money put aside for a rainy day, that general concept hasn’t changed— but it has grown. What used to be cash and coins we could use to buy sweets are now investments, stocks, and bonds we use to store our money in until it’s time to trade them in for the biggest sweets of all: A comfortable lifestyle and financial freedom.

Savings And Investments For Your Future

Whether you’re just starting to look into savings and investments or you’re at a point in your journey where you’re feeling stuck and uninspired, we’re here to help. Our team at Greenfields Financial Management is dedicated to helping you determine your goals, understand your options, and craft a savings or investment plan to help you get there.

If you’re interested in capital growth, income, or a combination of both, we take the time to get to know you and your specific situation and use our experience and expertise to help create the lifestyle you’ve always dreamed of.

Greenfields employ an evidence-based approach to investing, and do not speculate. Our own money is invested just the same as our clients’ so we have complete ‘skin in the game’.

Start Planning Today

Creating a plan to save or invest is a very personal decision. Not only does it take your finances today into account, but it also depends on your risk tolerance, your approach to money, and your personality as a whole. That’s why we take a personalised, holistic approach to you and your goals, getting to know you so we can offer tailored, one-on-one advice.

Our personalised service doesn’t end there. Since there are so many savings and investment choices available these days, we understand that it can be confusing to navigate for even the savviest investor! Whether your goal is to create, manage, or preserve wealth, we take your objectives into account with the aim of choosing the most appropriate and tax-efficient investment for you. When you choose Greenfields Financial Management, you’re not just choosing your finances— you’re choosing your future.

Interested in saving or investing?

Get qualified and independent advice from our experienced team.

The Benefits Of Saving
And Investing

Working with an experienced financial planner to save and invest can offer you:


  • The opportunity to build wealth
  • The possibility of reaching your goals such as buying a home, starting a business, or retiring comfortably
  • Help with growing your money
  • Help with keeping up with inflation
  • The potential for financial freedom
  • Reduced financial stress

Your Savings And Investment Questions Answered

Investing refers to putting your money into financial instruments or assets with the expectation of generating a profit or earning a return on investment over time. Investing allows people to potentially grow their wealth, beat inflation, and achieve their long-term financial goals, such as funding their retirement or purchasing a home. Investing can also help people to diversify their portfolios and manage risk, but as it’s not guaranteed, it should be done with careful consideration of your goals, risk tolerance, timeframe, and financial situation.

The types of investments available include stocks, bonds, mutual funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), real estate, commodities, and alternative investments such as private equity and hedge funds. Additionally, UK residents have access to tax-efficient investment wrappers such as individual savings accounts (ISAs) and personal pensions (PPs). The UK also has a range of investment platforms and brokers that allow investors to buy and sell investments.

A customised investment portfolio is a collection of investments that are tailored to a person’s specific investment goals, risk tolerance, and financial situation. This type of portfolio is typically created by a professional investment advisor or financial planner who takes into account certain factors such as the person’s age, income, net worth, investment experience, and investment preferences. The goal of a customised investment portfolio is to maximise returns while managing risk, and it may include a combination of stocks, bonds, mutual funds, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), real estate, commodities, and alternative investments such as private equity and hedge funds.

There are several steps you should take to create a customised investment portfolio. This can be a complex task, however, so it’s advised you do so with the assistance of an experienced financial planner. As a general guide, you should first determine your investment goals, assess your risk tolerance (how much risk you’re willing to take on), and decide on an asset allocation (how to divide your investment portfolio). You should then choose your investments and remember to monitor them and rebalance your portfolio as needed. If you’d like to create your customised investment portfolio, our team at Greenfields Financial Management is happy to help.

Some factors you should consider when creating a customised investment portfolio include:

  • Your investment goals
  • Your risk tolerance
  • Diversification (Spreading your investments across different asset classes)
  • How long you plan to invest your money
  • The fees and expenses associated with each option
  • Tax implications
  • Market conditions

This is an important step and should always be looked at in great detail. Working with a financial advisor is a great way to determine your risk tolerance, as they will have experience working with people at all levels. They may have a risk tolerance questionnaire for you to fill out to help determine your level of risk tolerance, as well as to help you decide on the types of investments you should include if you’re unsure how to do so.

Diversifying your investment portfolio means investing in different asset classes such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and commodities. You can also diversify by investing in different sectors within each asset class and by investing in different countries. There are many ways to diversify your investment portfolio to offer you a potentially higher level of protection against loss (though protection is never 100% guaranteed)— consult with a financial planner, such as our team at Greenfields Financial Management, if you’re unsure how to proceed.

The frequency of reviewing and adjusting an investment portfolio depends on various factors such as your financial goals, risk tolerance, and market conditions. However, as a general guideline, it is recommended to review and rebalance your portfolio at least once a year to ensure it remains aligned with your goals and risk tolerance.

The frequency of reviewing and adjusting an investment portfolio depends on various factors such as your financial goals, risk tolerance, and market conditions. However, as a general guideline, it is recommended to review and rebalance your portfolio at least once a year to ensure it remains aligned with your goals and risk tolerance.

One way to minimise risk while maximising returns in an investment portfolio is to diversify your investments across different asset classes, such as stocks, bonds, and real estate, as well as across different industries and geographic regions. This may help reduce the impact of any one investment’s poor performance on the overall portfolio. Another approach is to regularly rebalance your portfolio to maintain your desired asset allocation and adjust it as needed to reflect changes in market conditions or your investment goals. It’s also important to conduct thorough research and analysis on potential investments and stay up-to-date on market trends and economic conditions to make informed decisions. Working with a professional financial advisor, such as one of our experts at Greenfields Financial Management, can also help you navigate these decisions and make the most of your investment portfolio.

Investing can have tax implications, and it’s important to understand how taxes can affect your returns. In the UK, the tax implications of investing depend on the type of investment and your circumstances. To minimise tax implications, individuals can make use of tax-efficient investment accounts such as ISAs and pensions. It’s also important to keep track of any tax allowances and exemptions that may apply to your investments.

 However, each person’s situation and circumstances are different. It’s recommended to seek advice from a financial advisor to ensure that you are aware of and complying with all relevant tax laws and regulations.

In general, choosing the ‘right’ investments for your customised investment portfolio depends on your risk tolerance, investment goals, and market conditions, among other factors. You should consult with a professional financial planner for personalised help with your portfolio.

An exchange-traded fund (ETF) is a type of investment fund that trades on a stock exchange, similar to a stock. It is designed to track the performance of an underlying index, such as the S&P 500, or a basket of assets, such as stocks, bonds, or commodities. ETFs offer investors diversification across a range of assets, and they can be bought and sold throughout the trading day.

A stock, also known as a share or equity, is a unit of ownership in a publicly traded company. When you buy a stock, you become a partial owner of the company and have a claim on its assets and earnings proportional to the number of shares you own.

Stocks are bought and sold on stock exchanges, such as the London Stock Exchange, and their prices fluctuate based on supply and demand. When a company performs well, its stock price typically rises, while poor performance may cause the price to fall.

Investors can make money from stocks through capital appreciation, or an increase in the stock price, or through dividends, which are payments made by the company to its shareholders out of its earnings. However, stocks also come with risks, including the potential for the stock price to decrease and the possibility of losing your entire investment if the company goes bankrupt.

A bond is a debt security that represents a loan made by an investor to a borrower, typically a company or government. When an investor purchases a bond, they are effectively lending money to the bond issuer in exchange for regular interest payments and the eventual repayment of the bond’s face value at maturity.

Bonds typically have a fixed term, known as the maturity date, and a fixed interest rate, known as the coupon rate. The interest payments are usually made semi-annually or annually, and the face value of the bond is returned to the investor when the bond matures.

Bonds are often considered less risky than stocks because the bond issuer has a legal obligation to repay the bondholders at maturity, whereas stockholders have no such guarantee. However, the return on investment for bonds is typically lower than that of stocks.

To determine if your investment portfolio is performing well, you need to compare its returns to relevant benchmarks or indices, such as the FTSE 100 or the S&P 500. If your portfolio consistently outperforms the benchmark, it may be considered a successful investment.

However, it’s important to keep in mind that investing is a long-term strategy, and short-term fluctuations in performance are normal. Additionally, you should also consider other factors, such as the fees you’re paying, the risk level of your portfolio, and how well it aligns with your financial goals and risk tolerance. It may be helpful to periodically review your portfolio with a financial advisor to ensure it remains on track.

Choosing a financial advisor is a key step in your journey. To find the right one for you, ensure they’re regulated and authorised by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), have experience in managing portfolios, have an investment philosophy that aligns with yours, and that they’re clear regarding their fees and charges. We always recommend consulting an Independent whole of market adviser rather than a tied or restricted adviser who can only use the products and investments from within their own business.

There are many online resources, such as online articles and blogs, dedicated to finance and investing. You could also read books on saving and investing, take courses, or consult with a financial advisor.

For a medium term investment, you will need to invest for a minimum of 5 years.

Why Greenfields Financial Management?

Financial Planners

Our proof is in the numbers— not only our satisfied clients but also the real results and profits we’ve helped them to generate. 


No two savers or investors are the same, so why should their portfolios be? Your goals and risk tolerance are yours and yours only, so we tailor our approach to you. 

We Protect,
Then Invest

We’re here to help you grow, which you can only do when what you already have is protected. We’re not interested in a quick cash grab— we’re truly dedicated to your financial future.  

Ready To Make A Move?

Does retirement feel a long way away? Whatever your age, it may be closer than you think if you save and invest well! While no investment is guaranteed to always rise in value and never fall, it’s important to identify an appropriate balance between risk and potential return to determine how you approach your investment strategy. Unsure what that looks like? By utilising the help of an experienced financial planner, such as our team at Greenfields Financial Management, we can help you find a plan or create a portfolio that suits you.

Looking For A Trusted Financial Advisor For Your Savings And Investments?

While the best time to start considering your savings and investments is yesterday, the second best time is today— so don’t hold off any longer! If you have a minimum threshold of £50,000 to £75,000 and are committed to seeing how we can help you grow your financial future, now’s the time to consider saving and investing. Whether you’re interested in starting a portfolio or adjusting your current one, our experienced team is ready to go. Take a step forward with Greenfields Financial Management today!  

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